Barney, MJB’s very own Motorhome Dog, would love to see your Motorhome Hounds
Motorhome Hound
Hi, me name is Barney. Don’t tell the hoomans but, just for fun, have snuck in this page as I would lurve to see all my floof mates on their holibobs. Please get an unfurry to upload a picture of you enjoying yourself (the unfurries can be in it if they must!) – loves ya floof friends, Barney.
My New Friends!
Cardinham Woods, Cornwall
I is strictly speaking not a motorhome floof but muvver knows Barney and I enjoys a holibob so I guesses its ok!
Murphy and Bella
The Old Oaks, Glastonbury
We was pooped puppers after a busy day and was having a snuz together. Me little sister is ok, and she luvs the motiehomie thing like I does!
I took my mummy and daddy to Spain, it was cold but sunny and there was a beach. It is a long drive to get here and our camper bed is too high for me to jump on in the morning, so it is not all fun!
Isle of Arran
I lurves going off with me hoomans in the van. Here I is on the Isle of Arran, if they doesn’t get this moving soon I is going to take charge myself!
Malvern Hills, Worcestershire
I lurves a chill out with me hooman in the motiehome after a hard day exploring, or even before!
On holibobs with muvver
Muvver takes us away in the motiehome and I gets walks, cwtchs and lots of adventures. Tis our happy time
Mina and Virgil
Motorhome felines
We are Mina (tortoiseshell) and Virgil (black and white) and we are sophisticated motorhome felines. Barney, we feel that although a different species we are kindred spirits. We drive across Europe with our human servants to stay in Kefalonia in Greece once a year where we spend three months making sure we are properly cared for. We have also used the motorhome as our abode in the UK. It is our home and it is just purrrrrrrrrfect!
Louie and Minnie
Hello there floof mates! We is international hounds! Our unfurry dad took this picture as we was waiting for the ferry. We lurves to travel in the motiehome and have new adventures
Bath Championship Dog Show
Hiya all. Me name is Charlie, but I gets called Champagne Charlie. I is a award winning pup. I is only 10 months old. I gots 1st in Puppy Class, Best Puppy in Breed and Best Overall Puppy! Everyone tells me I is handsome but I is just a pupper